the encounter
The time has come! I present to you the final image of the “foundation” series! Like all the other pictures in the series, it is a self portrait, also featuring one of my clones.
This is the first time I shot myself and the background seperately. This abandoned bridge has been on my mind for a while and I wanted to use it as the setting for this image. So my husband and I drove to the location one afternoon, but being 8 months pregnant at the time I decided it was not very safe for me to actually stand on the bridge. This was really frustrating, being there but not being able to do the shoot the way I had planned. However, since we had driven all the way there, I photographed the bridge and started thinking about ways to make this work.

I decided to shoot myself on a different location and then composite these shots in the bridge picture. It is the first time I ever tried anything like this and I did not like it at all! I had to be very careful in keeping the lighting and angle consistent so that the final picture would look decent enough. I took it step by step and I got the result you see here, which I think is good. But I really don’t want to ever have to do this again! Apart from the technical difficulties and making my life harder, what I disliked most was that I didn’t have the chance to interact with the location and actually “feel” it. It feels like I was deprived of half the joy I get when I shoot, especially with a location so lovely like this one! Hopefully I will get the chance to return there and shoot something else in the future.
So, this marks the end of the “foundation” journey and it satisfies me greatly to know that I now have a complete series of pictures. I will soon write a seperate post about the series where I will include all the pictures and some words about each one.
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