publications and prints
This last week has been all about prints for me. I took three of my pictures to the printer to make some test prints so I could keep them at my home. At first I wanted to frame them, but then I decided to mount them and hang them as they were for the moment. I suppose a simple black frame around them would look really nice, but the paper’s texture would be lost behind the glass. Well, since they were made for my own pleasure, I decided to leave framing for another time. I hung them on my living room wall and I have to confess that I can’t stop staring at them! It’s so amazingly surreal to actually hold your creations in your hands! If you are interested in your own prints, limited editions are available! Just send me a message!

one 50x50cm print and two 25x25cm, all with a 2cm white border, printed on archival quality fine art paper

my prints hanging on my living room wall
A couple days ago, my picture “misidentified” was published in the greek photography magazine “Fotografos“! The issue focused on self-portraits, so naturally I submitted mine too and this one was selected for publication. This is my first printed publication and again, the feeling is surreal! I am so happy and proud and so motivated to go on!

a close up of my picture and the short description I sent in

the whole page
I am very determined to continue buiding my portfolio, which at the moment is quite small. I have a couple pictures that I am currently editing and I am planning to shoot as much as I can during the summer, despite of the really hot greek summer. People have started to ask me to take their picture, which is really flattering but also quite stressful. I am up for the challenge though!