miles from where you are
So, it’s been… 7 months since I shared new artwork! That is really disappointing! I’ve been going through an inspiration drought and it’s been very hard to come up with ideas. I have some thoughts which I write down on my notebook, but I end up disliking everything. I try not to be too hard on myself, thinking how sleep deprived I’ve been these last months (thanks, motherhood). I think the only way to come out of this standstill is to just go out and shoot. Anything. Even if it’s not really that good. That is what I ‘ll try to do from now on.
This image was inspired by a song from the band Snow Patrol. The lyrics say: “I’m miles from where you are, I lay down on the cold ground and I pray that something picks me up and sets me down in your warm arms” (Song’s title: “Set the fire to the third bar”). I always imagined this scene whenever I heard the song, so I decided to show the rest of the world!

miles from where you are
It was so lovely being out there in the woods again, all by myself, running aroung and shooting. At some point the little doggy decided to show up and keep me company. He was so friendly and stayed there the whole time, so I decided to let him co-star in the picture. I think he looks nice!