It feels like ages since my last post. It is getting harder and harder to find time for photography these days. On one hand there are a million things that demand my time, and on the other hand it gets dark so fast in the afternoons which makes things even harder. I have been trying to make the best out of my house as a shooting location, since it is not easy to go out, but this has proven to be harder than I thought. Do any of you have any helpful tips about shoting at home? If so, please leave me a comment, it will be greatly appreciated! Well anyway, I have some pictures that I want to edit when I find the time.

This one was taken the other day while I was experimenting with slow shutter speed.  At first I thought I’d make a mini series out of it, but I am not sure. For the time being I decided to upload just this one, which I like most. The title is a tribute to a band that I love dearly, the gathering. You should check them out if you don’t know them.

in motion #2

in motion #2

in motion #2

In other news, I recently started writing for Artcore magazine, a greek online magazine for art. My first article is about the very talented Kirsty Mitchell. It’s in greek, but here’s the link anyway if you are curious about it.

Hopefully in the next few days I will have a new picture ready.

I spent the last few days in my hometown, visiting my family. We live far from each other, so I don’t get to see them very often. I had a nice time, the weather here is still very warm and I also managed to do a couple of shoots. I also raided my mum’s and sister’s closets for old clothes they don’t wear anymore, to use them in future pictures. I have the habit of giving away clothes that I no longer wear, which I guess is good for other people but not so good for photography! Luckily for me my mum and my sister tend to keep stuff around forever!

The picture I show you here was taken in my bedroom. It’s not very fancy I suppose, but I like the simpicity of it. My main goal for this picture was to see if I can pull off a levitation picture. I feel good about it, given it was my first try! I also shot one more picture in the bedroom, which I will be working on. And I headed out for a photoshoot at the lagoon! So stay tuned for more to come!

I can fly

I can fly


It’s been a while, I know! In my defence, I had to resume my academic obligations (I am a post graduate student, as well as a working girl), so I had to change my priorities a bit. But I still found the time to take a picture or two. This one was not planned, but it stuck with me.

I had a very different picture in mind, but while shooting it I decided to try this pose instead. I only took two pictures and I really liked what I saw, so I decided to go for it. Editing did not take me that long either.  I’d love to hear your thoughts about it.

Fun fact: the pillow featured here was my beloved feather pillow from Ikea. Then I decided to wash it. I shouldn’t have… Well, at least I got to use it as a prop, so now it will live forever!

So, two weeks after my first post on this blog, I am finally ready (or at least I hope I am) to post my very first picture heading on a new direction. I have decided to use myself as a model, at least for the time being, for two reasons. First, that I am available at any time (well, obviously) and second that I am still trying to find my own pace, so I think it is better not to drag anybody else into what I’m doing, yet. Once I feel more confident I will certainly use other models as well! I feel very uncomfortable and vulnerable posting self-portraits, but excited at the same time. I think this will be a very exciting journey!

As you can see, this is a composite image. I have spent the last three weeks editing it, but I can’t really tell how much time I actually spent on it because sadly I didn’t have time to do it every day. During editing I learned a lot from the mistakes I made, both when shooting, but afterwards also. It has been a really valuable lesson for me.

I hope that from now on I will be able to make my workflow faster, so that I can post more regularly. I have plenty of ideas, but I think that for the time being I will try to focus more on simpler concepts. Perhaps avoid excessive editing.

So this is it for now! I know it is not perfect and I could probably keep editing forever to make it better, but I decided to just go for it. I hope you enjoy and please feel free to leave a comment with your feedback, it will be much appreciated!



ps. Happy October!